Language learning at home with Netflix? Start to do it right now!

Letícia Miyashiro
5 min readJan 12, 2022

It is an undeniable fact that Netflix and other streaming platforms became utterly present in our lives. Our friends and family are always talking about some new release and it is almost impossible not to feel tempted to check the productions regularly.

This is a very convenient way to get that entertainment in our daily routine. Even though, many times, what was supposed to be just a nice moment of leisure becomes a time blackhole when you decide to binge on the entire season rather than just one episode before bed. The feeling of guilt after this phenomenon is generalized.

But the detail that can change the whole scenario and completely transform the meaning of this considered wasted time is the association with language learning, turning all those hours of alienated content consumption into a gold mine.

What does science say:

Following the thesis of the linguistic researcher Stephen Krashen, the process that allows language acquisition occurs when we understand the messages within those foreign words. This means that when we are exposed to a language in a context in which we comprehend fragments, our brain works to associate the message with its coding. But then you can ask me: how the heck am I supposed to understand messages in a foreign language?

And that is when we get into immersion with Netflix! When we engage with some tv show or movie, we do not get exposed only to bland audio, but also — and mainly — to images. In this way, we can focus on the story through these two sensorial channels.

And then, what happens when we can comprehend fragments of the narrative through the explicit images, is that our brain works actively to associate the audio that comes with all that information with its meaning. Doing so repeatedly and consistently, according to Krashen, enables complete language acquisition.

But when does grammar take part in all of it?

Although this thesis seems too audacious to be true, Krashen says that is the only way we learn a language. When we study through traditional means, like in a language school, we can learn because this process takes place implicitly, when we are somewhat exposed to foreign speech. However, if we are not exposed enough, we cannot learn anything even though we studied for hours through books and homework. And that is what usually happens. Or you do not remember taking countless Spanish classes in high school?

But how am I supposed to get grammar binge-watching Cobra Kai? You won’t. And won’t need it. Krashen’s research demonstrates that we learn grammar naturally through this process, organizing the words that we acquire in the most commonly used way for the language. The study of foreign languages based on grammar is not useful if you are not interested in becoming a linguist. Try to remember how many English grammar rules you do know. Probably not many, right? So how were you supposed to speak your English so fluently, if grammar is that essential in language learning?

How to get started:

Leaving the realm of scientific theories, some people already tried to use this knowledge and developed their whole method based on these concepts, using primarily tools like, guess what? Netflix! is a site that compiles the main concepts of this language learning method, developed for a young American man that became fluent in Japanese watching anime. Of course, that wasn’t the only tool he used, but his entire journey revolved around this habit.

Through Refold’s indications, which were inspired by Krashen’s research and widened through its developer’s experiences, we can extract the first steps to begin this language learning journey:

Watch what you enjoy, in the targeted language, of course.

You have to start watching compelling content on Netflix, without or with subtitles in the targeted language. The ‘compelling’ factor is indispensable for the experience because that is what guarantees that you will be absorbed enough to concentrate on the messages of the production’s narrative. So, please do not start with the Spanish version of Cocomelon, alright?

If you struggle too much, try watching shows that you have already seen or that you’re familiar with. Getting to know the plot — or the message — previously, your brain will have a path to start making the linguistic associations necessary to acquiring the language.

Have consistency, create a routine.

It’s pretty clear that if you do it on and off, the method won’t be efficient. You must incorporate this practice into your routine, doing your best to guarantee your constant exposure through daily contact with your new language.

Think of this as a formal language study. In the beginning, 20 or 30 minutes should be enough to create a habit and get it going. Furthermore, the ideal would be between 45 minutes or an hour and a half, or any possible chunk of time that you can add to the task.

Don’t think that you won’t have to put some effort into this. Of course, it can be a lot funnier than a regular approach, but you must commit yourself and commit your time to this goal. If you read until here, it’s probably because you already know the importance of language learning for your life. Use that to motivate yourself and create consistency.

Don’t try to understand everything.

You won’t be able to do that, especially if you’re in the lower levels of language comprehension. The difficulty of this method is learning how to tolerate what you cannot understand.

With time, your comprehension ability will expand. But if you feel that it’s harsh to get really immersed in your chosen content because of that, adapt. Watch movies or animations with an easier language style. Dreamworks, Pixar, and Disney movies can be a good start because they have plenty of dubbed versions and charming stories.

Is it worth it?

The conditions of this method may have intimidated you. Every aspect can seem vague or subtle. However, that is not just some alternative form of language learning. Actually, this is the most efficient way to learn how to communicate through a foreign speech.

In language schools, you would be too occupied conjugating meaningless verbs and have less time to get in real touch with your targeted language in a way that really counts. But your Spanish teacher doesn’t want you to know that.

In this way, even though you may be full of doubt, you have your answer: it is possible to acquire languages through Netflix in the comfort of your home.

The initial steps are right here in this post, so you can trust them to build your language learning journey. But if you want to go further and deeper in it, you should follow me and wait for more in-depth information about this method. So, what about we learn together?



Letícia Miyashiro

An International Relations student trying to reach its inner voice through writing.